Privacy policy

1. The Operator respects the legislation in force on the protection of personal data, in particular Law No. 19628 on the Protection of Privacy, by adopting the technical and organizational measures necessary at all times to protect such personal data, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.

2. The information provided by the User in a form or otherwise via the Web Service will be used by the Operator to provide the Service that the User has accessed through the Web Service, in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to such Service.

3. Personal data, if any, provided by the User on a form or otherwise via the Web Service shall be incorporated into a database of the Operator for the purpose of providing the Service to the User.

4. From time to time, companies related to SME Group SpA or its representatives may use the information provided by the User for commercial purposes or to inform the User about products and services that may be of interest to the User, by any means, including e-mail and/or equivalent means. The User will have the opportunity to specify whether he/she wishes to receive this information by means of the corresponding box included in the Registration form.

5. The User’s personal data may be transferred to other SME SpA subsidiaries and to third parties with whom it is essential to share them when providing the Service (for example, hosting service providers), for the purposes set out above and for the purposes of group administration, transfer which the User expressly consents to. The above may involve the transfer of the data outside the national territory. Some recipients of this data may be located in countries where privacy laws differ from those in force in Chile. However, we can guarantee the application of all necessary measures to protect the privacy and security of your data.

6. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Your personal information is stored in secure computer files and will not be processed for any purpose other than those set out in this Privacy Policy. Only authorized personnel may access the server (“Server”) that the Operator uses to store this information. In addition, this Server is connected to the Internet through a firewall and is therefore not accessible to the public.

7. Small pieces of information (“Cookies”) will be installed on your computer to collect statistical information such as, for example, browsing paths, number of visits, repeat visits and page views. A Cookie can only contain information provided by the User. It cannot read data stored on your hard drive. Cookies help us determine the usefulness of the information we provide, as well as the usability of our Web Service. The Operator does not share information collected from Cookies with outside entities or sell it to third parties. If you prefer not to receive Cookies from our Web Service, you can set your browser to display alerts prior to installation and to refuse them. You can also disable the Cookie feature altogether to block the use of Cookies. You do not need to have the Cookies feature turned on to use any section of the Web Service.

8. The User has the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition in relation to their data, by using the appropriate link to their profile or sending a request to info@zyght.com, if they have provided their data to the Operator.

9. The Operator will only retain your personal data for the period necessary to provide you with the requested Service or for any additional period required by law. The Operator reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will inform you of any material changes relating to our use of your personal data.

10. Collection of Personal Information from Minors. The Operator does not seek to obtain information from or enter into any transactions with persons who are under the age of eighteen (18) years of age. Our databases may, however, contain personal information of minors because it is not always possible to accurately determine the age of Users. To the extent possible, when asked to provide us with their age, we block the Service if the person is a minor. We make reasonable efforts to purge our databases of information pertaining to minors.

It is the Operator’s policy to require that minors do not access our Service without the prior consent of their parents or guardians, unless permitted by applicable law. Acceptance of this Policy implies that you are of legal age and able to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions of this document.

11. Intellectual Property. It is expressly stated that the intellectual, commercial and industrial property of the content, designs, graphics, systems, including hardware and software, with respect to the Web Service and/or Services are the exclusive property of the Operator.

Reproduction of all or part of the Site is prohibited without the express written permission of the Operator.

The copying, reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, commercialization, public communication and/or any other action that violates the regulations in force in Chile and/or internationally regarding intellectual and/or industrial property, as well as the use of the contents of the Site without the prior express written permission of the Operator is strictly prohibited. In addition, the display or use, in any form whatsoever, of the trademarks or logos of the Operator or the SME SpA group without the prior written consent of the Operator is prohibited.

12. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect.

13. SME SpA. SME SpA is a joint stock company with registered office in Santiago, Chile. The domain name owned by SME SpA. is www.zyght.com. Its contact e-mail address is info@zyght.com

14. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction. These Conditions are governed by Chilean law. Any controversy related to the present Conditions is submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ordinary Courts of Justice of the commune of Santiago.

SME SpA. All rights reserved.

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