Additional Modules
Contract Management and Accreditation
Optimizes the management of certifications and control of mandatory documents, with validity alerts and automatic audits.

Contract Management and Accreditation
Efficiently manages the certifications and control of mandatory documents of Employees, Contractors and Vendors, allowing the creation of specific regulations with alerts of validity per job, per type of contract and contractor companies.
- Backup mandatory documents.
- Keeping control of contractors and individuals.
- Training control.
- Notifications due to expiration of documents.
- Reduction of HH by searching for physical documents.
Staff Identification QR Code
The system allows you to enter the personal identification number (RUT, DNI, etc.) or scan the personal QR code of a worker in the field from the mobile App and the system will search for the documentation and validity of the same according to the regulations configured for the job position that is associated with the objective of ensuring that each person in the field complies with the appropriate competencies to perform in a safe manner.

Start-up Folder and Audits of Contractor Companies
You will be able to create different types of contract (EPC, O-M, per service, etc.), each one with its respective start-up document regulations and corresponding validity periods, thus being able to manage time by means of automatic notifications of expiration of the relevant accreditations so as not to enter into legal non-compliance, generating an automatic audit of the regulations in force for each contract.
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