Additional Modules
Training and competencies management and control
Manages accredited competencies and training, monitoring curricular progress and program compliance.

Management and control of training and competencies
This module allows you to know the level of training and accredited competencies of the workers of your organization, allowing you to manage all the Jobs of the company, assigning a set of competencies and mandatory training to the worker who occupies that position.
The training should be accredited over time as a way of technical and professional development, so you can know in real-time the curricular progress of each worker, statistics by job position, and level of compliance with training programs.

You will be able to manage
- Job positions
- Mandatory competencies
- Voluntary competencies
- Trainings
- Time of validity
In addition, it allows you to control the validity of mandatory certifications per worker with QR codes in the field, the compliance of training programs, and the curricular progress by job positions.
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