Additional Modules

Action Plans

Defines coordinated activities with responsible parties and deadlines to meet specific objectives, with follow-up and progress status.

Action plans management

This module allows you to define action plans, whether they are emergent – from an operational control or incident – or non-emergent.

Each action plan is a set of activities to be carried out in a coordinated manner, with assigned responsibilities and deadlines to meet a particular objective.

How does it work?

  • Definition of Activities: Plan activities, responsible parties and verification controls are defined.

Action plan states:

Three states are managed:

  • Red – Pending: Action plan in definition.
  • Yellow – In Process: Action plan whose activities are being implemented.
  • Green – Finished: Action plan whose activities were carried out and validated.

ZYGHT helps your company to meet the Sustainable Development Goals

This module helps to meet the following SDGs

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