Additional Modules

Medical Surveillance and Occupational Health

Manages occupational health, associating regulations with job positions, and executing health controls in the field.

Surveillance Management

It manages the entire Occupational Health Process of the company’s employees and subcontractors, associating regulations to be complied with by types of jobs exposed to agents harmful to health such as silica, noise, manual handling of cargo and many others.

Create jobs and associate occupational health standards

  • Unlimited job positions
  • Unlimited document categories
  • Unlimited regulations to associate

Plan controls based on regulations

  • Enables you to create periodic controls with document backup
  • Has document validation logic
  • It issues due proximity notifications

Execute field controls and monitor compliance

  • Through QR codes in the mobile app you will be able to execute health compliance verifications
  • Through analytical panels it allows to visualize the fulfillment of the endowment

ZYGHT helps your company to meet the Sustainable Development Goals

This module helps to meet the following SDGs

Discover why ZYGHT is the leading software in occupational health and safety management